Antonio Valero Diaz
University of Cordoba
Antonio Valero has participated in different national and international research projects related to predictive modelling and risk assessment (USDA-Fresh Express, Selection of fit-for-purpose sampling procedures for specific foods and risks, BASELINE, COST Action 920). He has been also involved in some collaborative works with EFSA through the participation in working groups as an external expert (Public health risks represented by certain composite products containing food of animal origin, 2012-2013; and Self-tasking mandate for scientific opinion on the requirements for the development of microbiological criteria). He has participated in two recently awarded contracts from EFSA (OC/EFSA/BIOCONTAM/2014/02; NP/EFSA/BIOCONTAM/2015/04) in relation to the development of a risk assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in selected RTE food categories. He has a strong involvement in national and international networks regarding food safety (SICURA) being a member of the Spanish Microbiology Society and International Association for Food Protection. During his career, he has participated in different international events and training workshops supported by different programmes/Initiatives (Erasmus+, Spanish Ministries, etc.) in the EU and worldwide. In light of her position at the Dpt. of Food Science and Technology (University of Cordoba)
Research Interest
Application of predictive models in foods, microbial risk assessment and management.